How do we decarbonise heavy goods vehicles (HGVs)? The scale of the challenge is clear. Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) are vital to industry and represent the backbone of trade and commerce worldwide. They are responsible for ensuring we have access to food, medicines, and goods of all kinds. 89% of domestic goods transported in the UK in 2020 were moved by road – the vast majority of which in HGVs. However, these vehicles produced 16% of UK domestic transport greenhouse gas emissions in 2019, and this needs to be reduced to zero by 2050.
The Pathway to Long Haul HGVs report was, itself, a culmination of extensive research and stakeholder consultation. We investigated the promising technologies for zero-emission road freight and started to build the business case for large scale trials and wider deployment.
What do we need to enable the transition to zero carbon?
Setting a clear vision
Funding and de-risking the transition
Developing trust in the technology
Deploying initial infrastructure
Progressing regulations and standards
Building the UK supply chain
Enabling a sustainable market
The diagram below is a schematic view of potential pathways to zero or low emission HGVs.
There are a series of reports available relevant to this topic:
Standards landscape and gap analysis
The purpose of this report is to document findings from a review of global standards and provide recommendations on a standardisation programme that would enable safe and effective roll out of Zero Emission Road Freight Trials and establishment of a longer-term sustainable market.
Market opportunity mapping
The purpose of this report is to examine the UK’s export opportunity in three emerging zero-emission HGV technologies: Hydrogen Fuel Cells, Battery Electric Vehicles, and Electric Road Systems.
Regulation and safety roadmap
The purpose of this report is to set out the safety activities that are required for safe on-road Zero Emission Road Freight Trials.
Summary of concept safety analysis
The purpose of this report is to set out findings from a review of the hazard landscape and key safety considerations for the proposed Zero Emission Road Freight Trials.
Data objectives and data stakeholder mapping
The purpose of this report is to identify what data needs to be collected from trials for evaluation purposes, to outline necessary data collection methods and to identify key stakeholders that would need to engage with this data collection approach.
Comparison of transport decarbonisation projects
The purpose of this report is to explore Connected Places Catapult decarbonisation projects across road, rail, maritime and aviation. To consider potential alignment, pre-empt interoperability challenges, highlight operational and implementation synergies and accelerate industry learning.
我们如何使重型货车 (HGV) 脱碳? 挑战的规模是显而易见的。 重型货车 (HGV) 对工业至关重要,是全球贸易和商业的支柱。 他们负责确保我们能够获得食品、药品和各种商品。 2020 年,英国运输的国内货物中有 89% 是通过公路运输的——其中绝大多数是重型货车。 然而,这些车辆在 2019 年产生了英国国内交通运输温室气体排放量的 16%,到 2050 年需要将其减少到零。
Pathway to Long Haul HGVs 报告本身就是广泛研究和利益相关者咨询的结晶。 我们调查了有前途的零排放公路货运技术,并开始构建用于大规模试验和更广泛部署的商业案例。
下图是实现零排放或低排放 HGV 的潜在途径的示意图。
本报告的目的是研究英国在三种新兴零排放 HGV 技术方面的出口机会:氢燃料电池、电池电动汽车和电动道路系统。
本报告的目的是探索跨越公路、铁路、海运和航空的脱碳项目。 考虑潜在的一致性、先发制人的互操作性挑战、突出运营和实施协同效应并加速行业学习。
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