此篇文章接上篇"CSCP-Module2上篇",“"CSCP-Module2下篇”以及"CSCP-Module 1: Supply Chain Design"。
Section A: Comply with standards, regulations, csustainable best practices
Chapter1: International standards & regulatory compliance
Customs house breaker (importer provide docs, infor to broker according to customs time lines & regulations)
Chapter2: Corporate social responsibility considerations
Topic1: Triple bottom line
TBL must fully integrated into a business model from the start
TBL-Economic performance (short- & long-term)
(eg. Reverse logistics, reliability/ responsiveness/ flexibility/ costs/ asset management)
TBL- Social performance
Topic2: Sustainability guidelines & Reporting initiatives
United nations global compact (UNGC) 十个原则
How does an organization evaluate efforts?-->GRI
Adopt GRI guidelines as the reporting framework for sustainability reporting
GRI and its internationally recognized sustainability reporting methedology
UNGC 十个原则:human rights/ labor/ environment/ anti-corruptionGlobal reporting initiative (GRI)
Global reporting initiative (GRI)
定义:a network-based organization that has pioneered the development of the world's most widely used sustainability reporting framework
GRI reporting framework
Performance indicators
The G4 sustainability reporting guidelines
What to report: Reporting principles & standard disclosures
How to report: implementation manual
GRI Purpose: be used for any other organization or government's requirements for reporting on economic, environmental, social impacts
Economic: Economic performance/ market presence/ indirect economic impacts/ procurement practices
Topic3: Standards, Accreditations, Certifications
Quality standards
ISO9001: focus on customer requirements, a process-centered approach
Environmental standards
ISO14000: 2015版emphrasize incorporating environmental management into strategic planning & leadership
Social standards
Fair operating practices/ consumer issues/ community involvement
ISO26000: 7个方面: organizational governance/ human rights/ labor practices/ environment
SA8000: Social accountability(international standard for managing human rights in workplace)
Section B: Manage Risk in SC
Chapter1: Risk identification
Qualitative risk assessment
Quantitative risk assessment (quantify each risk's probability & monetary impact)
Topic1: Risk management
Types: supply risk /demand risk/ process risk/ environmental risk
Risk management strategy
Topic2: Risk management strategy
Risk identification: -->causes, events, impact, effect
Risk defination: -->scope and time frame of each risk
Risk register: -->contains all identified risks and associated details
Topic3: SC risk examples
Chapter2: Risk assessment and classification
Topic1: Qualitative risk analysis
Classification & prioritization methods & tools
Risk categorization
Strategic SC risk
Supply risk
Demand risk
Process risk
Environmental risk: -->currency exchange rates, political environment, weather related event
Hazard risk
Financial risk: --> currency exchange risk
Malfeasance risk
Litigation risk
Probability & impact assessment: --> risk ratios= probability * impact
Risk urgency assessment
Data quality assessment
Topic2: Quantitative risk analysis
Data gathering
Probability distribution
Expected monetary value(EMV): Risk response cost versus benefit
EMV for multiple outcomes of a risk or decision
Net impact EMV
Sensitivity analysis & simulation
Chapter 3: Risk Response
Topic1: Risk response planning
Base risk responses
Responding to supply chain risks
Preventive & contingent (corrective) plan
Generating preventive action plans for each risk to be mitigated
Topic2: Preventive & contingent action plans for SC
Responding to strategic supply chain risks
Responding to supply risks
Responding to demand risks
Responding to process risks
Responding to environmental risks
Responding to hazard risks: (types of insurance)
Responding to financial risks
Responding to malfeasance risks
Theft, damage, vandalism
Fraud & corruption etc.
Responding to lawsuit risks
Topic3: Business continuity & plan implementation
Preparing contingency plans related to business continuity
Implementing risk response plans
Coordinating supply chain risk management and sharing risks among SC partners
Chapter 4: Security, regulatory, and compliance concerns
Topic1: Security & regulatory concerns
Complying with import and export requirements
Prohibited goods
Labelling and documentation
Security partnerships
Costs and benefits of participating in security partnerships
Costs and benefits of meeting sustainability regulations
Voluntary program compliance
Mandatory sustainability programs
Organization-specific sustainability programs
Sustainability risks from packaging and shipping materials
Product traceability and configuration management
Topic2: Risk standards
Risk management framework
COSO ERM/GRC(Governance, risk & compliance)
ISO risk standards
ISO 31000, Principles, Framework
ISO 31010--Risk management-risk assessment techniques
ISO Guide 73: 2009
Benefits of ISO 31000, ISO 31010, Guide 73
Section C: Measure, analyze, and improve SC
Gathering performance data
Analyzing performance
Improving performance
Chapter1: SC Metrics
Topic1: SC strategy & metrics selection
Metric selection framework
Competitive basis: responsive vs efficient
Measurement focus: strategic vs operational
Measurement frequency: diagnostic vs monitoring
Topic2: Customer and financial metrics
Customer metrics
Perfect orders
Using real numbers and real-time data
Customer satisfaction
Financial metrics
Profit metrics
Cost metrics
Cash-to-cash cycle time
Assessing supplier health using financial statement ratios
Customer creditworthiness
Strategic profit model(return on assets breakdown)
Topic3: Operational metrics
Quality metrics
Supplier quality costs: supplier performance index
Productivity metrics
Asset management metrics
Inventory turnover
Supplier capacity
Chapter2: Measuring Performance and customer service
Topic1: Measuring and communicating performance
Scorecards & performance metrics
Balanced scorecard
Custom scorecards
Sustainability scorecards
Inventory turnover
Topic2: SCOR performance measures
SCOR model
4 Process levels
3 Performance levels
Topic3: Measuring operational & financial performance
Operational measures
Financial measures
Topic4: Measuring customer service levels
Customer service ratio(fill rate)
Lead time monitoring
Order status reporting
Customer satisfication
Chapter2: Continuous improvement and change management
Topic1: continuous improvement
The CI model
Reasons for adopting continuous improvement
Personal improvement
Informal, on the job, cross training
Formal or informal coaching or mentoring
Internal or external training courses
Online training
Evaluating training
Process improvement initiatives
Optimizing visibility
Process analysis
Topic2: Continuous Improvement Tools
Seven basic tools of quality
Process mapping
Control chart analysis
Pareto chart
Cause-and-effect diagram
Check sheet
Scatter chart
Seven new tools
Affinity diagram
Tree diagram
Matrix diagram
Process decision program chart
Relationship diagram
Matrix data analysis chart
Activity network diagram
Chapter 4: Lean and JIT
Topic1: Continuous improvement approaches
Waste in Lean and JIT
Lean, objectives, principles
House of toyota
Additional Lean considerations: Value stream mapping/ kaizen event/ 5S/
3 JIT basics: waste reduction; variability reduction; pulling materials into production;
Elements of JIT for continuous improvement: suppliers/ JIT layout/ Inventory reduction/ Changeovers, lead time, lot sizes
Topic2: Other continuous improvement philosophies
Six sigma
Elements of six sigma
Six-sigma process and tools: DMAIC
TQM(Total Quality Management)
TOC(Theory of Constraints约束理论): drum/buffer/rope
Chapter 5: Change management
Topic1: Change management considerations
Develop both a master plan and a set of project plans
Communicate plans and measures to all participants in the process
Consider conducting a pilot
Proactively address change management issues
Monitor results and make adjustments
Change process
Topic2: Prepare for change
Identify need
Set forth a vision of the future
Strategy and concept
Championing the vision
Explore costs and benefits
Explore strengths and weakness
Build consensus
Build enthusiasm
Topic3: Plan for change
Determine success criteria
Determine areas to change
Develop plans for each area
Develop ongoing management plans
Get approval and funding
Topic4: Execute change
Reengineering organizational structures and redefining workforce roles
Topic5: Monitor change
Lead and mange
Monitor and control
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