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        He advances the computer presentation to the next slide (Figure 20). “Here’s an example of a performance measurement review format,” he says. “Just like the sales and operations planning dashboard, shown earlier in the morning, a green, yellow, and red system is employed to show performance at a glance.”


        Nolan continues to explore the supply review subprocess. He tells the group that the performance review is followed by a review of the newly updated demand plan, or request for product. The purpose of this review is to determine whether the supply side of the business can support the changes in the demand plan and still maintain current resources and projected costs. A simulation of capacity, called rough-cut capacity planning, is commonly used to determine Feasibility.


        Nolan is quick to point out that rough-cut capacity planning is different from detailed capacity planning. Rough-cut capacity planning is known as a “first cut” at attempting to answer some questions: Do we have a reasonable chance to support the demand plan? Do we have sufficient resources to support the plan? Are our resources “sized” correctly? If the answer to any of these questions is no, the supply team is responsible for taking action or making recommendations to take action to solve the out-of-balance condition.


        “In essence, rough-cut capacity planning is a ‘what if’ simulation that tests whether you can commit to support the new demand plan without changing one of the knobs we talked about before,” Nolan says.


        “When you use the term rough-cut capacity planning, are suppliers included in the simulation?” Anita Cooper, the purchasing manager, asks. Nolan asks the group to turn to page 47 in their notebooks, which provides more details about rough-cut capacity planning. He explains that it is imperative to have the ability to perform multiple simulations quickly and easily. There are usually multiple planning options, and it is frequently desirable to test more than one production/supply plan alternative against the demand request for product. Another principle of rough-cut capacity planning is the simulation of key resources only. “Not all resources are simulated,” Nolan says. “Just the ones that are likely to cause problems.”


        He tells the group that key resources typically are bottlenecks or constraints. They may be resources that are difficult or expensive to change. He goes on to list typical categories of key resources: skills, materials, engineering, money, or any other item that may be a constraint in supporting the new demand request. “And, yes, Susan,” Nolan says, “they may include key suppliers as well as internal resources. Additionally, the key constraints may actually be key materials. These can be simulated as well as capacity.”


        Nolan explains that the objective is to first identify any constraints so that alternative approaches can be developed to support the demand. It would be unusual to find that all resources are constraints. Depending upon the volume and the product mix, it is typical to find a limited number of constraints during any particular period in time.


        “Remember,” Nolan says, “in a demand-driven organization with the objective to meet customers’ expectations all the time, you should be predisposed to find a way to say yes to the new demand request for product. If it costs more to do so, the implications of supporting the plan should surface as a management issue in the sales and operations planning process. The cost of not meeting marketplace expectations may ultimately be far greater than the added cost to manufacturing or engineering.”


        Susan raises her hand. “If this is only rough-cut capacity planning, when is more detailed capacity planning performed?” Nolan tells the group the detailed capacity planning is usually performed as part of the master scheduling process. The additional detail simulated typically includes testing resources for an expanded number of variables, including product mix, a more detailed simulation of resources, and specific days or weeks. Detailed capacity planning is commonly performed more frequently than once a month, usually weekly or sometimes even daily.


        Nolan stops and surveys the room. He wants to make sure that the group understands the differences between rough-cut capacity planning and detailed capacity planning. He explains that for sales and operations planning, rough-cut capacity planning is performed monthly and at an aggregate level. For example, rough-cut capacity planning may simulate the demand of all product groups for the capacity of an entire work center, which may consist of three machines. In contrast, detailed capacity planning may simulate each machine in that same work center.


        Nolan clicks the mouse to advance to the next slide (Figure 21). “Here is an example of a rough-cut capacity planning presentation for one resource,” he says. The vertical columns represent requirements for the capacity in time periods. The bottom line represents demonstrated capacity. The middle line represents planned capacity, and the top line represents maximum capacity. Nolan


        The power of rough-cut capacity planning is its ability to demonstrate whether the resources are ‘sized’ correctly to support what we chose to do in the marketplace,”


        Nolan comments. “It not only identifies problems of projected capability shortages, but it also identifies opportunities where there is projected capacity available. For master scheduling, additional detailed capacity simulations may be required to ensure that the detailed schedule is feasible and can be supported by the company resources.”


        Nolan looks at Jim, Guy, and Susan. He tells them that two books are required reading: Gaining Control by James Correll and Norris Edson and Master Scheduling by John Proud.


        Jim Simpson raises his hand. “What about inventory and customer lead times? Are they considered in the supply planning process?”


        “Yes, they are,” Nolan replies. “In previous sales and operations planning cycles, you will set targets for inventory and customer lead times by product line or product group. The demand planning process could request changes in those targets along with their updated demand plan, or request for product. The load on key resources includes meeting inventory and lead time targets.”


        He explains that in response to requests for changes in inventory and lead time targets as well as the updated demand plan, the supply organization develops a volume production plan by month. This plan should (1) satisfy customer delivery requirements, or shipments; (2) conform as closely as possible to inventory targets; and (3) meet as closely as possible customer lead-time targets. To achieve all three aims requires tactics that address how much inventory is required to support the desired customer lead-time targets. “The process for determining these tactics frequently is called ‘where to meet the customer,’” Nolan says.


        He further explains that determining the tactics is a key element of implementing a combined marketing–manufacturing strategy. It also is necessary for effective master scheduling.


        “This could be the subject of another class,” Nolan tells the group, “and we will have much discussion on inventory and lead time tactics as we work with you to develop your sales and operations planning process. For now, let’s just acknowledge that we must decide what our tactics will be and set targets accordingly.”


        Susan raises her hand. “Before we move on, doesn’t this whole conversation imply that the production plan could be different from the backlog of customer orders? Also, couldn’t the production plan be different from what is planned to be sold?”


        Mark admires Susan’s approach. She already knows the answers to the questions she has asked, but she wants everyone else to hear the answers from an industry expert. She has some points to make, and she is going to let Nolan make them for her. “You’re correct, Susan,” Nolan replies. “We call it the decoupling of demand and supply.” He explains that, stated simply, decoupling of demand and supply involves choosing to produce at a rate different than the shipment rate or the bookings rate. To the extent that these rates are different, either inventory or customer lead time (backlog), or both, will need to be varied.


        “The principle of decoupling demand and supply gives the supply side of the business improved control over two of the three knobs — the time knob, or schedule, and the resource knob, or people, equipment, etc.,” Nolan says. “Even though the production plan is different from the customer order backlog when demand and supply are decoupled, the production plan still must support current orders on the books, or backlog, and the anticipated demand.”


        Nolan displays the next slide in his presentation (Figure 22). He asks the group to consider the point made by the graphic. It is a reality that demand fluctuates. It is also a reality that a level production schedule is most cost effective. Decoupling demand and supply enables companies not to force demand to conform to a level production schedule. It also gives the manufacturing function the ability to produce more cost effectively.


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  • 时间:2024-08-26 ~ 2024-10-27
  • 主办方:冯银川
  • 协办方:罗戈网


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  • 作者:罗戈研究
